Viconics VT7000 Series Application Guide User Manual

Page 2

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Configuration Parameters Associated with the Viconics PIR Accessory Covers

The following configuration parameters are specifically provided as standard on all VT7000 series thermostats. They
are associated with the advanced occupancy functionality introduced with the addition of a PIR cover or a remote PIR
sensor. These parameters will allow the installer to set the thermostat occupancy functions exactly as required by the

Their functionality only becomes active if a PIR accessory cover is connected or one of the binary/digital input is
configured to use a remote PIR sensing device.

Configuration Parameter

Description of Configuration parameter

BI or DI input door setting

Default: None for no function used

It is possible to configure some of the digital or binary inputs to effectively use
the advanced functions allowed by the installation of a door switch contact.
This function is mostly used with fan coil units in lodging applications

When a door contact is used and configured, the Stand-By timer is no longer
active. The occupancy toggle between occupied and stand-by is now dictated
by both the door contact and the PIR cover.

Movement detected by the PIR cover = Always occupied

Door opens / closes detected by the door switch = Stand-by mode

Stand-by Heating Set point:

Default: 69 °F ( 20.5 °C )

This parameter sets the stand-by heating setpoint value.

The set value of this parameter should reside between the occupied and
unoccupied heating setpoints and make sure that the difference between the
stand-by and occupied value can be recovered in a timely fashion when
movement is detected in the zone.

Adjustable from 40 to 90 °F ( 4.5 to 32 °C ) in 0.5 degree increments.

Stand-by Cooling Set point:

Default: 78 °F ( 25.5 °C )

This parameter sets the stand-by cooling setpoint value.

The set value of this parameter should reside between the occupied and
unoccupied cooling setpoints and make sure that the difference between the
stand-by and occupied value can be recovered in a timely fashion when
movement is detected in the zone.

Adjustable from 54 to 100 °F ( 12.2 to 37.8 °C ) in 0.5 degree increments.

Stand-by Time:

Default 0.5 hours

This parameter sets the time delay between the moment where the PIR cover
detected the last movement in the area and the time which the thermostat
stand-by mode and setpoints become active.

Adjustable from 0.5 to 24 hours in .5hr increments

Unoccupied Time:

Default 0.0 hours

If no movement are detected in the area and the current mode is stand-by.
This parameter will then set the time delay between the moment where the
thermostat toggles to stand-by mode and the time which the thermostat
unoccupied mode and setpoints become active.

The factory value or 0.0 hours: Setting this parameter to its default value of
0.0 hours disables the unoccupied timer. This prevents the thermostat to drift
from stand-by mode to unoccupied mode when PIR functions are used

Adjustable from 0.0 to 24 hours in .5hr increments