3 power management, Enabling power savings, Timeout settings – Compaq 110 User Manual

Page 14: 3 power management –9, Enabling power savings –9 timeout settings –9

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Product Description

Maintenance and Service Guide


4. Reassemble the computer.

5. Connect AC power to the computer. Do NOT reinsert the

battery pack at this time.

6. Turn on the computer.

7. All passwords and all CMOS settings are clear.

1.3 Power Management

The computer operating system provides power management
utilities that help maintain and conserve power when the
computer is running on battery power.

To access power management options, select the power
application icon in the operating system’s Control Panel.

Enabling Power Savings

The Enable Power Savings feature in Power Management
controls all power management features. When set to disabled,
the power menu is automatically disabled. The default setting is

Timeout Settings

Timeout functions can be set up to power down computer
components by selecting the Power Schemes tab from the power
application in the operating system’s Control Panel. When a
component such as the monitor, hard drive, system, or video is
not in use, the component powers down to conserve power. The
time out interval can be set from one minute up to several hours.
The component will power up again when you access it or press
any key. Page 9 Friday, December 21, 2001 2:53 PM