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Documents are only to be used and distributed completely and unchanged. It is strictly the users´ responsibility to check
carefully the validity of this document with respect to his product. manual-no.: 997835 / 15/12/2009
After setting the basic setup:
☞ The symbol of the cooling water valve is displayed and ”yes”
or ”no”.
➨ Press key p▲ or p▼ to activate (”yes”) or to inactivate (”no”)
the cooling water valve and press key START/STOP to con-
☞ The cooling water valve 24 V= at the controller is operated
parallel (synchronous) to the cooling water valve at the VMS
Module A.
☞ The controller is now ready for operation (process control inactive).
☞ The isolation valve is identified automatically.
☞ If it is missing in basic setup Standard or Management Plus, the process control cannot be started,
respectively is stopped.
☞ If it is missing in basic setup Management or VACUU•LAN, the valve symbol is not displayed.