TriangleTube Mini Smart User Manual

Page 7

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Ensure all plumbing / piping meets or exceeds
all local, state or national codes.


Use isolation valves to isolate system compo-


Install unions for easy removal of the water
heater. Use dielectric unions or couplings to
protect fittings from corrosion when connecting
dissimilar materials such as copper and galva-
nized iron pipe.


Provisions should be provided in the boiler pip-
ing to allow air elimination and drainage of the


The boiler system must contain a safety pres-
sure relief valve set to a maximum 30 psig to
prevent over-pressurization of the water heater.


The domestic system must contain a safety
pressure relief valve set to a minimum 150 psig
to prevent over-pressurization of the water


The wall used for mounting the Mini SMART must be
vertically plumb and capable of supporting a mini-
mum of 50 pounds.

For applications using wood studs, install the water
heater using 3/8” x 3” lag screws provided.

For applications using metal studs, install the water
heater using 3/16” toggle bolts and washers.

For applications using solid walls (rock, concrete, brick,
cinder block, etc.) install the water heater using 5/16”
wall anchors

DO NOT mount or attempt to mount the water heater
to hollow sheet rock or lathe walls using wall
anchors. Only install the water heater to wall studs,
solid walls or equivalent wood structure.




1. Locate a wall stud in the general location of the

water heater placement.

2. Place the water heater mounting bracket against the

wall centering it along the wall stud.

3. Vertically plumb the mounting bracket while main-

taining it’s centering with the wall stud and use a
pencil to mark the location of the mounting holes.
See Fig. 1, page 5.

4. Remove the bracket from the wall and drill 1/4"

diameter hole by 3 inches deep, position in the cen-
ter of each mark. For applications using metal studs
and 3/16” toggle bolts, drill the required clearance

5. Mount the bracket onto the water heater using the

provided mounting bolts. Ensure the mounting bolts
are fully tightened and the bracket is securely fas-
tened to the water heater. See Fig. 2, page 5.

6. Reposition the bracket and water heater onto the wall

and align the bracket and wall holes. Insert the two
lag screws (wood studs) or toggle bolts (metal studs)
through the mounting holes and loosely tighten.

7. Vertically plumb the water heater and tighten the

screws (or bolts) securely making sure not to over-
tighten to avoid damaging drywell or plaster.

General Installation