TriangleTube Mini Smart User Manual
Page 14

Program Access of the MCBA Control
Once a particular parameter is reached, release the
STEP button. Wait a second and the display will show
the current setting for that parameter in the right two dis-
play digits.
Use the + or - button to change the value of the
Press the STORE button once to save the
If a parameter setting is changed from the facto-
ry default and the STORE button is not pressed
to save the setting, the MCBA module will auto-
matically store the setting after 15 minutes.
Ensure all parameters settings are either factory
default or revised based on the application.
Review all parameters settings on page 16 when
completed and prior to commission of the boiler.
Failure to comply could result in erratic or unre-
liable operation of the PRESTIGE boiler.
Once a parameter setting value has been revised
and stored, if the STEP button is pressed for the
next parameter setting the value setting of that
parameter will appear. The display will not show
P_xx of the next sequential parameter. The
sequence of parameters may be scrolled
through, as the display will roll over from param-
eter 46 to parameter 1.