Top Flite Elder 60 biplane User Manual
Page 6

6. In this step you are going to assemble the 5" length
of shaped hardwood trailing edge stock and the
aileron torque tubes and wires to the wing center
section. Also locate and remove from their die-cut
sheets, parts W-14 and W-14B (due to the die-cut pro-
cess, you have been provided with two sets of these
parts, you will need only one set). Please refer to the
detail drawing provided to understand the relation-
ship of these parts.
Start by glueing W-14A to the front face of the
tapered hardwood trailing edge piece. Make sure
W-14A is centered and that the bottom edge of the
part coincides with the bottom surf ace of the trail ing
edge piece. As shown, the trailing edge must be
notched a little to allow rear movement of the thread-
ed linkage arms. Do this now with either a rat-tail file
or a Moto-Tool and router bit. Note that there is a
right and a left aileron drive assembly. Hold one of
these assemblies (it makes no difference which one)
in place to the trailing edge/W-14A assembly in it's
proper location. Apply glue to the rear face only of
one of the tapered W-14B's (tapered end outboard)
and glue it in position to the front face of the trailing
edge, thus providing a "nest" for the aileron drive
assembly. Repeat this process for the opposite side.
Remove the aileron drive assemblies and use a
sanding block to true-up each side of the trailing
edge assembly (top and bottom) and each end. In-
sert the two aileron drive assemblies into their ap-
propriate "nests" and hold this entire assembly to
the trailing edge of the wing center section. Note
that you now must slightly notch the center
section's 1/4" x 3/8" trailing edge to allow forward
movement of the threaded linkage arms—do this
now. Remove the two aileron drive asemblies and
assemblies' brass tubes. Mix a small amount of 1-3
hour epoxy and carefully glue only the torque rod