Top Flite Elder 60 biplane User Manual

Page 10

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molded fiber-filled motor mount. Using the plans

and the motor mount, you must now carefully mark
the location of the four mounting holes required for
the mount. Using a drill and a 1/8"dia. bit, drill the four

holes through the firewall. Now epoxy the 4-40 blind
mounting nuts in place to the back of the firewall, in-

to the holes just drilled—keeping adhesive out of
the threads. Locate the motor mount to the front of
the firewall and use the bolts to tighten it in place.
Allow the glue to cure and remove the mount. The
firewall is now epoxied in place to the front of the
fuselage—align carefully and allow to cure.

11. Assemble the fuel tank that you plan to use. This

design can use either 10 or 12 oz. fuel tanks. (We've
shown a Du-Bro 12 oz. tank, mounted upright, on the
plans.) Fit your tank into the nose of the fuselage
assembly. You can see that the tank needs to be sup-
ported to sit level. Make up a couple of supports for
the tank (two lengths of 1/4" x 1/2" balsa, between

the two F-5's works well) and glue them in place,

making sure the tank now rests level. In this way,
when the fuselage is complete, the tank can be in-

serted from the lower wing opening into the nose
and removed, if needed, with assurance that it is in

place correctly. Now use a 3/16" dia. drill bit to make
the two required holes through the firewall for the
fuel tubing (we like and suggest a "two line system";

one fuel line for fuel feed and filling and the other for
the pressure tap and overflow). Remove the tank.

12. Drill and tap the holes necessary in the motor mount

to attach your engine (we like to use 4-40 Allen-head
hardware for this purpose). Attach the motor mount
to the firewall and the engine to the mount. By view-
ing from the front, determine the location of the
throttle tube housing exit hole. This should be lined-
up with the carb's throttle arm. Drill a 1/16" dia. hole

surface of the outerthrottle tube housing and glue it

in place in the firewall—about 3/16" of it should pro-

trude out from the face of the firewall, the rest of it

runs into the radio compartment. Be sure your tank
still fits in place.

13. The servos shown on the plans are of average or

standard configuration; yours may be different

(taller, wider, etc.). The Elder Biplane will accept
almost any radio system. In this step you are going
to determine the location of the 1/4" x 1/2" balsa

servo tray bearers. Remember that the servo tray is
1/8" thick ply. Lay one of the servos that you plan to
use directly over the side of the fuselage, at the loca-

tion shown on the plans and mark the location of
these tray bearers. Cut, fit and glue in place the servo
tray bearers, one on each side of the fuselage.

14. Using the 1/8" x 3" x 30" balsa sheet provided, the

bottom nose of the fuselage, back to the rear face of
F-7 is sheeted—note cross grain direction, typical

throughout this step. Again, hold or tape the lower
wing's center section in place in the F-5 wing saddle.
The bottom rear of the fuselage is now sheeted from
the trailing edge of the center section, back to the

point shown on the plans. The top of the fuselage is
now sheeted, as shown on the plans and illustra-

tions. As shown, do not sheet the top of the 1/4" ply
firewall, this is the location of the top F-3 former. Use
your sanding block to smooth the fuselage sides
and sheeting just applied and to blend the bottom

nose sheeting and landing gear mounting blocks to

the smooth curve shown on the plans.

15. Using a pencil and triangle, hold the fuselage direct-

ly over the side view on the plans and mark the loca-

tion of formers F-6, F-8, F-9, F-11 and F-12 directly on-
to the top 1/8" balsa sheeting. From your kit box,

locate the two 1/8" x 6" x 21" balsa sheets that are

the fuselage sides. Use a straight edge and an
X-acto knife to true-up one of the long edges of each
of these sheets. Now lay one of the sheets directly
over the fuselage, aligning its trued-up edge with the
top surface of the top 1/8" sheeting. Note that the for-
ward end of the sheeting terminates at section B-B.
With the side sheeting properly aligned, press it to
the fuselage side at the tube ends of each of the
cabane trunnion block locations. This should indent
the sheeting with the slightly protruding tubing
ends. Remove the sheeting and use a 1/8" dia. drill bit
to make a hole through the sheeting at both indenta-
tions. Reposition the sheeting to the fuselage and

use a pencil to carefully draw the bottom and rear

fuselage side outlines onto the sheeting. Use your
X-acto knife to remove the drawn outline. This
fuselage side is now glued in place to the fuselage
frame. Repeat process for the opposite side. Use
your sanding block to true-up all edges and sides.

16. Locate and remove 1/4" die-cut parts F-3 (1) and F-4

(2). Stand the fuselage on its nose, firewall flat to
your work surface. Glue the two F-4 formers in place
to each side of the firewall and the F-3 former to the
top of the firewall and the tops of the two F-4's. Use
your sand ing block to smooth the formers to the face

of the firewall. Locate and remove formers F-6, F-8,

F-9, F-11 and F-12 from their die-cut sheets. Using

the location marks made earlier, glue each of these
semi-formers in place to the top of the fuselage.

Make sure they are centered and that they sit at right

angles to the fuselage sheeting. (Note that there will
be one extra F-6 former—it will not be needed.) From

the stockwood in your kit box, locate a length of 1/4"
sq. balsa. Measure, cut and fit the required length to
fit into F-12 (at the rear), forward to and including the

F-2 location—4-1/2" ahead of section A-A. Partially

cut through and crack this longeron at the F-9 and

F-6 former locations to obtain the right outline. Glue

this longeron in place. Cut and fit the two required

1/4" sq. balsa stiffeners that fit into the F-4 formers

and angle back to the second 1/4" x 1/2" upright (sec-

tion B-B). Note thatthese two pieces fitonlyintoone

half of the width of F-4 and that they are notched to
fit inside of the upright (see Top View).