Top Flite Nobler User Manual
Page 12

WING OVERS: Make the climb at half throttle and do the turn at l/4th
throttle Turns easily either way
CUBAN EIGHTS: In any Cuban eight maneuver use large loops so that
the half rolls can be accurately placed at the intersections, use full aileron for
the rolls Ease off the elevator coming over the top before starting the roll Just
for fun, try two-point rolls with full top rudder in the Cuban eights
KNIFE EDGE: Enter from level fight and apply rudder simultaneously with
the quarter roll Hold full rudder The Nobler will not drop its nose or loose
altitude If you enter with a climb, the plane will climb throughout
SPINS: Due to the extra stability with flaps, use ailerons in the direction
of the spin The rate of rotation is not fast but can be controled with the ailerons
To regain n o r m a l flight release either or both rudder and elevator, recovery is
LENCHEVICK: Nobler does it but it takes timing Enter from climbing
right (or l e f t ) t u r n at 45 degrees climb and bank Use f u l l throttle throughout
While c l i m b i n g m a k e left (or right) aileron/rudder/up-elevator snap roll so that
the plane is spinning and still going up After one good spin move elevator stick
to down position w h i l e maintaining rudder and aileron directions Plane will begin
to tumble a moment later The tumble is not necessarily head-over-tail but
probably diagonal After tumbling which is the desired maneuver, release the
sticks and recover If the stick positions are held, the model will exit the tumble
in an inverted spin
SNAP ROLLS: Use rudder and aileron together For inside snaps, use
left / left combinations but for outside or inverted snaps use left / right or
right / left combinations of rudder and ailerons Precision snaps can also be done
with Nobler, including half snaps
SIDE SLIPS: Rudder is powerful and fuselage offers plenty of side area
so the side slip is effective in checking a landing overshoot In flight, you
can do a flat turn by applying full rudder one way and keeping the wings level
with aileron Nobler will make a wide turn, looks strange, but works.
SQUARE AND TRIANGULAR LOOPS: Because of ths airfoil and flaps,
the Nobler is safe in "high G" maneuvers as at corners of square loops, top hat,
and triangles, etc There is no wobbling because of no tip stalling during high lift
demands On the decending side of the square-type maneuvers throttle back
to low speed The corner will be just as sharp as when going up at full
We wish you all the best of luck with your Nobler.
Top Flite Models recommends that any newcomers to RC model flying
join the AMA (See Page 1 for details) Among the many benefits, the member
will receive a Rule book describing with diagrams the competition maneuvers,
and will be insured against any peisonal liability claim as a result of flying mishaps