Top Flite TOPA0405 User Manual
Page 15

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9. Glue the lower 1/4" x 1/4" x 30" balsa TE
spar as far forward as possible in the slots in ribs
W-2 through W-8.
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10. Glue the lower 1/4" x 1/4" x 30" balsa
flap LE into the aft portion of the slots in ribs W-2
through W-7, extending to but not glued to the
aileron wing TE. There should be a 1/16" gap
between the TE spar and the flap LE.
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11. Repeat steps 9 and 10 for the slot in the
upper side of the ribs.
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12. Check the fit of the upper main spar in
the wing ribs. Use 6-minute epoxy to glue the main
spar to ribs W-4 and W-5. Use CA to glue it to the
remaining ribs.
NOTE: If you plan to add wing machine guns, now
may be a good time to figure out how you are
going to do it (before you glue the LE in position).
Study the sketch and photo on page 50 (and study
your scale documentation photos). You can make
the machine guns the way we show you in the
sketch or, use your own method.
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13. Use a razor saw to put a V-notch in the
shaped balsa leading edge to allow it to “bend” at
W-4. Use the LE detail drawing on the wing plan
for reference.
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14. Glue the shaped LE centered vertically
on the front edge of the ribs.
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15. Cut a 17" long piece from four of the
3/32" x 3" x 24" balsa sheets. The 17" long sheet
will be used as the aileron skins. The remaining 7"
sheets are used to make shear webs to fit on the
front of the main spar from rib W-3 to W-9 and the
back of the main spar from W-3 to W-12. The grain
of the shear webs run perpendicular to the spars
and the shear webs must be glued securely to the
spars. Make the remaining shear webs from the
3/32" x 3" x 30" balsa sheets.
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