Toa RM-971 User Manual
Page 8

PA microphone
Make announcements while holding down the
microphone talk switch. Announcements from this
microphone take precedence over any other
broadcasts in emergency situations.
Emergency reset key
When the emergency situation is finished, press
this key after resetting the fire detector,
emergency telephone or fire button.
Fire indicator
Automatically lights when the emergency PA
system is activated by the automatic fire alarm
system's fire detector, emergency telephone or
fire button. This indicator also lights when the
Emergency key is pressed. It remains lit during
Warning Announcement, Evacuation
Announcement or False Alarm Announcement,
and is extinguished when the Emergency reset
key is pressed after resetting the fire detector,
emergency telephone or fire button.
Emergency key
Press this key when making emergency
broadcast manually or when switching the
broadcast from Warning Announcement to
Evacuation Announcement. Break the protection
cover to use this key.
Warning Announcement indicator
Flashes before and after Warning Announcement,
and remains lit during Warning Announcement.
Evacuation Announcement indicator
Remains lit during Evacuation Announcement and
flashes while the second signal tone is sounding.
Evacuation Announcement key
Press this key to make Evacuation
Announcement after confirming there is a fire.
False Alarm Announcement indicator
Remains lit during False Alarm Announcement
and flashes after False Alarm Announcement
False Alarm Announcement key
Press this key to make False Alarm
Announcement after confirming the false alarm.
All-zone broadcast key
Press this key when simultaneously making
emergency or general-purpose broadcast to the
entire zone.
Broadcast reset key
Press this key to reset emergency or general-
purpose broadcast.
AC power indicator
Lights when the system is operating on AC.
Name label
(1) Write the name of each broadcast zone
selector key.
(2) Write the name of each broadcast group
selector key.
CPU failure indicator
Lights or flashes when a computer circuitry fails.
Zone selector key
Press this key to make emergency or general-
purpose announcements to individual floors or
zones. Press this key again to reset general-
purpose announcements.
Fire alarm interlock mode indicator
Lights when the fire alarm interlock mode is set.
Zone/short circuit indicator
Lights green to indicate broadcast is being made
to the corresponding floor. Lights red to indicate
the speaker lines on the corresponding floor are
shorted. Because the shorted speaker lines are
automatically disconnected, broadcast cannot be
made to that floor.
Fire floor indicator
Lights to indicate the fire floor when the PA
system receives a fire signal from the fire alarm
Fire alarm all-zone interlock mode indicator
Lights when the fire alarm all-zone interlock mode
is set.
Warning Announcement Non-interlock
Lights when Warning Announcement Non-
interlock mode is set. Fire detector-activated
Warning Announcement is disabled when in non-
interlock mode.
A fire signal tone is sounded from the remote
control unit's control section when the unit is
activated by the fire detector. In such cases,
investigate the cause immediately and make
appropriate announcements.
Group selector key
Press this key to make general-purpose
broadcast to the designated zone groups. Press
this key again to reset.
Group indicator
Lights when general-purpose broadcast is made
to the corresponding zone group.