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The CAL-segment and the small 4 indicates to the user that
oP4 is activated.

Note: If a Smart probe will be disconnected during the instrument is working the
instrument automatically switch to the CAL-menu.

1.4.4 Channel activation (only 2-channel instruments) / [Chnl]

Chnl = channel

To activate or deactivate a measuring channel push [ENTER/MENUE]. Use the up
and down keys [] to select Chnl. Push again [ENTER/MENUE]. On the left
corner of the display appears a small 1, which indicates the selected channel. To
change the channel use the up and down keys []. Push [ENTER/MENUE] to
confirm. Use the up and down keys [] again to activate on or deactivate off the
requested measuring channel and push [ENTER/MENUE] to confirm. Push [ESC] to
revert back to the measuring mode.

Note: As a minimum one channel is active!


Unit Lin2 CAL Chnl Log

1.4.5 Memory Setup Lo6

Push [ENTER/MENUE] and use the up and down keys [] to select Lo6. Push
[ENTER/MENUE] to confirm. Use the up and down keys [] again to start [on] or
Stop [off] the logger. Push [ENTER/MENUE] to confirm. Use the up and down keys
[] again to select between automatic storage [Auto] or manually operated
storage [SPot]. Push [ENTER/MENUE] to confirm]. Use the up and down keys []
again to select between to add on data [Add] and creating a new file[nLo6]. Push
[ENTER/MENUE] to confirm]. By selected automatic storage at the end you have to
select the time interval:
1 S

1 second

5 S

5 seconds

10 S 10 seconds
20 S 20 seconds
30 S 30 seconds
1 M

1 minute

2 M

2 minutes

5 M

5 minutes

10 M 10 minutes
20 M 20 minutes

By selected manually operated storage you are able to save the measurement by
pressing ESC by each time.

Push [ENTER/MENUE] to confirm. Push [ESC] to revert back to the measuring


Unit Lin2 CAL Chnl Log