1 firing semi-auto models (safe-semi), Select fire models (safe-semi-auto), 1 unlocking of bolt; extraction & ejection – SIG SAUER SIG716 Rifle User Manual
Page 48

4.1 firing
semi-auto models (safe-semi)
rotate the fire control selector from the “Safe” position to the “SeMi” position.
Pressing the trigger rearward releases the hammer causing it to strike the firing pin, impacting the cartridge primer.
select fire models (safe-semi-auto)
rotating the fire control selector from “Safe” to “auTo” or “SeMi” to “auTo” will produce a continuous rate of fire begin-
ning with the initial press of the trigger and continuing until either the magazine is depleted of ammunition or the operator
releases the trigger, at which time the trigger resets. on “auTo” releasing the trigger allows the hammer to be captured by
the trigger sear and not the disconnect as it would be when in “SeMi-auTo” mode. Pressing the trigger again will produce a
continuous rate of fire until either the magazine is depleted of ammunition or the operator releases the trigger.
cauTion: THe Sig716 iS a SeMi-auToMaTic rifle and Will auToMaTically reload THe neXT carTridge in THe
MagaZine afTer THe cHaMBered carTridge iS fired folloWing one PreSS of THe Trigger. THe rifle Will noW
Be ready To fire again once THe Trigger iS releaSed.
4.1.1 unlocking of bolt; extraction & ejection
1. The gas pressure generated by the burning powder in the cartridge, propels the bullet through the bore of the barrel.
2. When the bullet passes the gas port in the barrel a portion of the gas flows up into the gas block and into the gas valve.
3. The gas travels through the port in the adjustable gas valve and drives the pushrod rearward.
4. The pushrod then pushes the bolt carrier assembly to the rear.
5. as the bolt carrier moves rearward the cam pin allows the bolt to rotate to the right and unlock from the barrel