Scientech S310 Vector User Manual

Page 38

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4. Remote Interface Language Common Commands and Queries:

Most commands and queries may be used with either the RS232 interface or the IEEE488 interface. Some
commands, however, work only with the IEEE488 interface. Some commands require that a password has been
entered. A few commands are archaic, but were left in because no harm was done, and they may be needed
again if multi-channel units are constructed again.

The commands which work in both interfaces are presented first, followed by the password protected
commands peculiar to the IEEE488 interface, followed finally by the archaic commands. In the descriptions
which follow, the command (or query) will be presented first, followed optionally by one or more arguments,
separated by commas. When the vertical bar "|" is used in an argument, it denotes the word "or", and signifies
that one and only one of the items separated by bars may be inserted into the space of the argument. For
example, the command: XXXA|B,C has two arguments, the first of which may be `A' or `B', and the second of
which is the letter `C'. Where a space character is required by the syntax, it is represented with an underline

Commands in this group are available from both interfaces:

This query takes no arguments, and returns a comma separated collection of four strings, describing
respectively the manufacturer of the instrument (Scientech, Inc.), the model number (S310), the serial number,
and the firmware version number.

This is the IEEE488.2 common command for saving the instrument setup. The number may be an integer from
1 through 4. When used from either remote interface, it saves the current configuration to the numbered save
area. The next time the instrument is powered up or the *RST command is issued with the same save area as the
default, or the RCL command is executed for the same save area, the configuration will be restored to the values

Sets the detector type.

Returns the detector type (PYRO|CAL|PHR|ULTRA).

The SND? query causes the instrument to send the next reading to the remote interface. When using a
calorimeter in the joules mode, the SND? query must be sent to the S310 before the calorimeter is pulsed by the

This query causes the remote interface to begin sending a sequence of comma-separated readings. A new
reading is sent each time one is taken by the instrument. This activity will continue until the remote interface is
interrupted by a new command or query, or the instrument is turned off.

This command causes the instrument in energy mode to begin collecting readings for statistical analysis
indicated by the response COLLECTING... This command continues until data points are collected,
or until it is interrupted by another command. If it is interrupted, no statistics are computed. If it terminates
normally, a carriage return and line feed occurs, and it computes values for the mean, max, standard deviation,
and coefficient of variation of the data points collected. Those values may then be accessed with the queries
mean?, max?, sigma?, and cv?. The individual data points may be dumped with the dump? query.