M760rem checkout, Telephone checkout, Final inspection – PS Engineering PDA360EX Installation Manual User Manual

Page 28: M760rem, Heckout, Telephone, Inal, Nspection

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PS Engineering Inc. ®

PAR100EX Audio Selector Panel and Intercom System

Installation and Operator’s Manual


Page 2-21

Rev. 12, Jan. 2014

2.18.1 M760REM Checkout

Ground check:

1. Connect an in-line type watt meter and verify that the antenna VSWR does not exceed 2:1 across

the frequency band from 118.000 to 137.975 MHz.

2. Select the frequency of a local communications facility and verify that the receiver output is clear

and intelligible.

3. Establish communication with a local facility and verify that the transmission is reliable, and

quality is clear and intelligible. Verify that sidetone is present for the appropriate crewmembers
and passengers (depending on intercom mode).

Flight check:

1. Maintain at least 1500 feet AGL, and establish reliable contact with a facility at least 25 nm


2. Contact a facility within five nm and verify reliable contact.

3. Open the radio squelch by pushing the right knob for more than 2 seconds (or until the volume

and squelch bars appear), and listen for any unusual electrical noise that might reduce the com-
munications receiver sensitivity.

4. Verify operation at both high and low end of the frequency band (118.000 to 136.975 MHz) if


2.18.2 TELEPHONE Checkout

Activate the TELEPHONE mode using the Bluetooth device. Verify that the pilot headset is connected to
the cellular telephone system (if installed). Verify that by using the pilot side PTT, the pilot can transmit
on the other selected radio (Com 1 or Com 2). The telephone function will place any person heard by the
pilot on the intercom, also heard on the telephone.

2.19 Final Inspection

Verify that the wiring is bundled away from all controls and no part of the installation interferes with air-
craft control operation. Move all controls through their full range while examining the installation to see
that no mechanical interference exists. Verify that the cables are secured to the aircraft structure in accor-
dance with good practices, with adequate strain relief. Ensure that there are no kinks or sharp bends in the
cables and coaxial cables. Verify that the cables are not exposed to any sharp edges or rough surfaces, and
that all contact points are protected from abrasion.

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