4 using the applications – Philips PCVC675K99 User Manual

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4 Using the applications

In this section^ we will give you i bri6t description Ot hüw tP utd thd V-ld40

pdCkagdt itltliJded

on CD-ROttr Jf you hflven't Iroisll«! thege opplicgtion? yvl, ptesse read ^Camera and software

ln«laMaliori‘for Inttallallod Inttructüont.

4.1 Générai

Usually, aocti Eoftwars рвс'кадд cnealBS its own program group in the Windows Start Menu which is activaled

by clicking the Windows ^tgrt button. These- program groups exx^tain itiB applicatior program icon arrd rïthor
(terns (Hglp files, ElKtronip Manuals, Uninstall Wizards, Readme files, etc.) for Ehat specirir;. aoftware package.
Veil can start the video applications by clicking on them in iha program group, just like any other Windows
application. The shortcuts for the USB Canwra can be found in the program grrxjp: "Start / Pro^arns

i Philips

use PC VGA Camera',

The Philips


PC Camera not only woriis wHb the software applications mduded on


with this

cernera, but w*lh any epplicatron lhal uses DlreclX or the Video for Windows formal or the AVI formal or the
TWAIN IhterfBce.

Where to get helpî

Mormally, programs cxintain a help fiMiction within Ihe program that allows you I


access help about the exact

USB оГ the- prrjgram. Look for a ITelp topic in the menu bar or for Help buttons irt the rrMfiuS themselves, just

lik« in arty

ов)ы WlndcAvs apjjlicatlori.

For dalailsd intormalion about the use of these software packages, please read the infoiraalion accompanying

tha Individual software package«. All available informaljon i« usually acoessiPle via the seftwse's program
group. Of ihrougri the hielp op№tu m the program.

4.2 Video e-mail and video capture: VideoLink №ail (by Smith Micro Software)



«pAi4lv to 1ф|г1 vOlmir cO**

H(3W to record and send a video rruil.

1. Btarl VideoLirik Mail. The mair»

window Bppeari.

2. Wait for your евтегв to inilializia.

and position ifiB camera arrt
microphona нЬагв you would like


y. Click the Record botlon.

VkJeoLlhk Mail wilt begin

4. When you have tinished

recording, efick №


Stop button.

5, ypu can now review your

recording, save ^r recording,
mall your recording as an e-mail
or discard the recording.


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