Related documents – Compaq DESKTOP CONNECTOR FOR ACMS AAPG9DKTE User Manual

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Related Documents

Installation instructions for the ACMSxp version of TPware software appears
in the following manual:

Compaq TP Desktop Connector for ACMSxp Installation Guide

The following manuals contain information about building client applications
with TP Desktop Connector products:

Compaq TP Desktop Connector Getting Started

Compaq TP Web Connector Getting Started

The following documents contain information on the TP Desktop Connector
Client Services Interface:

Compaq TP Desktop Connector for ACMS Client Application
Programming Guide

Compaq TP Desktop Connector for ACMS Client Services Reference

Compaq TP Desktop Connector for ACMS Gateway Management Guide

Other manuals contain information about installing and managing your ACMS
system and TP Desktop Connector Gateway for ACMS software:

Compaq ACMS for OpenVMS Installation

Describes the installation of ACMS software on OpenVMS systems.

Compaq ACMS for OpenVMS Managing Applications

Explains how to start and stop the ACMS system, monitor system
performance, and perform some tuning operations. It also tells how to
install applications and how to authorize users, devices, and applications.

This guide does not provide details about the OpenVMS installation procedure.
For that information, refer to the Installation and Operations manual for
the particular device that you use. That manual describes the following

Handling and mounting the distribution media

Readying the current system and target system devices

For information on recommended system management and operations policies
and procedures, refer to your site management guide and the volumes in
the OpenVMS documentation set that pertain to system management and
