Index – Canon DR-6080 User Manual

Page 106

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- A -

About documents ............................ 42
- How to place documents ............ 43
- Type of documents ..................... 42
About the power supply .................... 8
Air vent ............................................ 14
Automatic feeding ........................... 48

- B -

Bypass mode ............................ 15, 50

- C -

CapturePerfect ................................ 32
- How to use CapturePerfect ........ 37
- Install .......................................... 34
Carrying ............................................ 8
- Document detection sensor ........ 81
- Main unit ..................................... 80
- Power outlet ................................ 87
- Rollers ......................................... 81
- Scanning glasses ........................ 81
Connecting to a computer ............... 19
Connectors ...................................... 14
Consumables ................................ 102
Count only key .......................... 15, 52
Count only mode ............................. 52
Counter ........................................... 89
Counter display ............................... 15

- D -

Daily cleaning .................................. 80
Daily maintenance ............................ 5
DIP switch ....................................... 14
Document detection function .......... 58
Document detection sensor ............ 49
Document eject tray extension . 13, 25
Document eject tray guide .............. 13
Document guide .............................. 13
Document tray ................................. 13

Document tray extension .......... 13, 24
Double feed detection function ....... 58

- E -

Error code ....................................... 75
Extension wire ........................... 13, 24
Exterior dimensions ...................... 102

- F -

Features of DR-6080/9080C ........... 10
Feed rollers ..................................... 88
- Installing and removing the

rollers .......................................... 91

- Replacing the feed rollers ........... 88
File separation ................................ 53

- G -

Guide plate ...................................... 87

- I -

Imprinter cover ................................ 13
Ink absorber .................................... 87
Installation location ........................... 7
ISIS/TWAIN driver ........................... 32
- How to use the ISIS/TWAIN

driver ........................................... 36

- Install .......................................... 33

- M -

Manual feeding ............................... 50

- N -

New file key ..................................... 15

- O -

Operating environment ................... 18
Operation panel ........................ 13, 15
Options ...................................... 16, 99