NM Engineering 868856 User Manual
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NM Engineering ∞ 3300 Corte Malpaso, Camarillo, CA 93012 ∞ 805.388.7171 ∞ 805.388.0030 FAX
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9. Install NM brake line at caliper and tighten with 11mm line
wrench. Push rubber grommet onto rear shock bracket.
Install female brake line fitting into bracket at chassis sub-
frame and tighten fitting with an 11mm line wrench.
10. The brake system must now be bled of any air trapped in the
system at each caliper. Use caution when bleeding system to
ensure that the brake fluid reservoir on the master cylinder
does not fall below the minimum level marked on it.
11. Inspect for any fluid leaks while system is under pressure.
12. Check fluid level in brake fluid reservoir. Fill to the maximum
level indicated on the reservoir.
13. Reinstall wheels and torque wheel bolts to the manufacturer’s
specification. Test drive carefully.
©2008 NM Engineering, a division of Automotive Performance Systems, Inc.
All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part is prohibited.
DOC. NM.868856 Rev. 09.30.08