Uniwire—receptor setup details, Enable uniwire option, Enable receptor audio+midi i/o option – Muse Research UniWire manual supplement User Manual
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UniWire—Receptor Setup Details
The Setup View parameters indicated in the following illustration all have some effect when used with UniWire.
In addition, there is a new UniWire Audio Input option available in the Source Selector for each Receptor
instrument channel. Each of these new UniWire options is discussed in the following sections.
Enable UniWire option
The first thing you’ll notice is a new section on the Setup page, called UniWire. The first parameter in this
section is called Enable UniWire. This is the master on/off switch for UniWire.
If this option is unchecked, then UniWire cannot be used and Receptor works exactly like it did before the
existence of UniWire. That is, you must send MIDI data to Receptor via its built-in MIDI port, you send audio
to Receptor using its built-in audio input jacks, and you get audio out of Receptor using its various analog and
digital audio connections.
In order to use Receptor with the UniWire plugin, you must first enable UniWire on Receptor by checking the
Enable UniWire option. When you enable UniWire, two sub-options become available: Enable Receptor
Audio+MIDI I/O and Bypass MIDI Filter on Single Channels, both of which are discussed in the following
Front Panel Operation: On Receptor’s front panel, this parameter is called simply “UniWire.” To enable
UniWire, press the SETUP button on Receptor’s front panel and turn the top display knob until
displayed. Turn the bottom display knob to select between
U n i W i r e
< >
E n a b l e d
Enable Receptor Audio+MIDI I/O option
Use this option to determine whether or not to use Receptor’s own audio and MIDI inputs/outputs in addition to
those provided by your host computer. Receptor and your host computer operate in very distinct and different
ways depending on how you set this option as discussed below.
Front Panel Operation: On Receptor’s front panel, this parameter appears as “UniWire Receptr I/O”. To turn
it on, press the SETUP button on Receptor’s front panel and turn the top display knob until
UniWire Receptr
is displayed. Turn the bottom display knob to select between
Audio+MIDI Enabled
U n i W i r e
R e c e p t r
I / O < >
A u d i o + M I D I
D i s a b l e d