Bypass midi filter on single channels, Master sample rate, Sample clock source – Muse Research UniWire manual supplement User Manual
Page 11

Bypass MIDI Filter on Single Channels
There are two ways that UniWire can address Receptor:
on ALL Receptor channels: Using this method, UniWire communicates with Receptor exactly the same as
if you had connected a pair of MIDI cables between your host computer’s MIDI interface and Receptor.
Your host computer sends 16 MIDI channels to Receptor and Receptor responds to those MIDI channels
using the various MIDI Filter settings provided on each Instrument Channel.
on SINGLE, individual Receptor channels: Using this method, UniWire sends 16 MIDI channels to a single
Receptor Instrument Channel. You can instantiate multiple UniWire instances and send 16 MIDI channel
to each and every Receptor Instrument channel or even to each plugin within a single channel (effectively
making Receptor a 92 MIDI port device capable of responding to 1472 MIDI Channels)!
The setting in which you determine which Receptor channels to address via UniWire is contained within the
UniWire plugin, discussed later, but the Bypass MIDI Filter on Single Channels parameter determines how
Receptor responds to MIDI data arriving over UniWire.
Obviously, when you communicate with Receptor on single, individual channels (as described above), each
Receptor Instrument Channel is capable of operating as a complete 16-channel multitimbral synthesizer.
Normally, this operation would require that you reconfigure the MIDI Filter on each Receptor instrument
channel by opening it and setting the “Listen to” channel to “ALL” and the “Map to” channel to “THRU”.
But there’s an easier way: If you check the Bypass MIDI Filter option, then all of Receptor’s MIDI Filters
are bypassed and all 16 MIDI channels are automatically able to play all 16 MIDI channels on each Receptor
Instrument Channel.
By checking the Bypass MIDI Filter option, Receptor works exactly like a plugin running on your host
computer. That is, you’re able to use your host application to route different tracks to different plugins on
different MIDI channels and Receptor’s built-in MIDI Filters won’t work against you.
IMPORTANT: The Bypass MIDI Filter option works only when UniWire is configured to send MIDI to a single
Receptor channel, rather than ALL channels. When a UniWire plugin sends MIDI to ALL Receptor channels,
then Receptor’s MIDI Filtering and routing capabilities are still active, regardless of whether or not this option
is enabled. This insures that a UniWire connection works exactly like a connection involving traditional MIDI
and audio cabling. Muse Research recommends that you leave this option checked unless you’re configuring
some advanced MIDI routings and are comfortable handling the possible routing interactions between your
host sequencer and Receptor.
Front Panel Operation: On Receptor’s front panel, this parameter is called “UniWire MIDI Filter.” To enable/
disable the filter, press the SETUP button on Receptor’s front panel and turn the top display knob until
MIDI Filter
is displayed. Turn the bottom display knob to select between
Not Bypassed
U n i W i r e
F i l t e r < >
B y p a s s e d
Master Sample Rate
When UniWire is enabled, this parameter is automatically set to the sample rate used by your host computer. No
other options are available and, as such, the parameter is disabled.
Sample Clock Source
If UniWire is enabled and the Enable Receptor Audio+MIDI I/O option is OFF, then Receptor automatically
sets this parameter to External (UniWire) and disables all other options. This is because, in this mode of
operation, Receptor’s own audio input/output circuitry is disabled and its audio clock is slaved to that of your
host sequencer (which is transmitted over UniWire).
If UniWire is enabled and the Enable Receptor Audio+MIDI I/O option is OFF, then Receptor’s internal
audio may sync either to itself (Internal) or to a S/PDIF input (if one it used). It’s important to remember that,
if you’re using both Receptor’s internal clock and your host computer’s clock, they will not be in sync. For this