Connected to, Latency – Muse Research UniWire manual supplement User Manual
Page 14

Connected To
The menu lists every Receptor currently connected to your network. UniWire will communicate with the
Receptor you select from the Connected To menu.
By default, UniWire communicates with the first Receptor in the list. So, if you have only one Receptor, you
can basically ignore this menu. If you have multiple Receptors, then you’ll use this menu to choose which of
your Receptors to communicate with.
Details about how your host sequencer saves information about which Receptor to connect to: When you
save a sequence in your host application, the “Connected to” Receptor is remembered by both its name and IP
address. So, when you open a file on your host sequencer, UniWire will first try to communicate with whichever
Receptor has the same name as the one saved with the sequence. If you’ve changed the name of your Receptor,
your host sequencer will then try to connect to whichever Receptor has the same IP address as the one saved
with the sequence. If you also changed your Receptor’s IP address, then your host sequencer will not know
which of your multiple Receptors you wish to communicate with, and the Connected to menu will display “No
Selection.” Use the menu to then select the desired Receptor.
Latency is the amount of time it takes to send a MIDI note or audio recording over UniWire to Receptor,
process it in Receptor, then send it back over UniWire to your host computer. When you use UniWire, your
host sequencer and Receptor must be set to identical buffer sizes. For example, if your host sequencer uses a
128 buffer sample, then you must also set Receptor’s buffer (located in Setup View) to 128 samples. Since your
host computer and Receptor each have their own buffers, the minimum possible UniWire latency is two times
their common buffer size. So, for example, if your host sequencer and Receptor both have their buffers set to
64 samples, then the minimum possible UniWire latency is 128 samples (2 x 64), which is equivalent to 2.9ms,
assuming a 44.1kHz sample rate.
This fact is reflected in the Latency menu. It displays all of UniWire’s possible latency values between 2x
and 16x the sample buffer size. It automatically calculates and displays these latency values in both samples
(calculated from the chosen buffer size) and in ms (calculated from the sample rate).
In general, if you’re tracking in real time (for example, performing audio processing on a live audio input or
playing a MIDI synth in real-time), then you’ll want to set the Latency (and the corresponding buffers) as low
as possible while still achieving sonically acceptable output. If you’re mixing down a track and not processing
any live inputs, you can set higher latencies for better performance, CPU usage, and track count.
Normally, when you run a soft synth (of effect) on your host computer, its latency is equal to the buffer size you
select in your host sequencer. For example, if you set your host sequencer’s buffer to 128 samples, then you will
hear a note 128 samples after requesting it.
Latency Compensation
Most modern sequencers now feature automatic plugin delay compensation, meaning the sequencer will
automatically shift tracks in time (to adjust for various latencies), so that they playback in sync.
If your host sequencer does not provide plugin delay compensation, then you need to delay any non-UniWired
tracks by the number of samples specified in UniWire’s Latency menu. For example, if you have an audio track
and a UniWired MIDI track and UniWire is set to 256 samples of latency, then you need to delay your audio
track by 256 samples, so that the tracks align. See your host sequencer’s documentation to learn about its ‘delay
compensation’ features.