Cubase uses receptor as an external uniwire effect – Muse Research UniWire manual supplement User Manual
Page 27

6 Fromthe
Connected Tomenu,selectwhichReceptoryouwishtouse.
If you have only one Receptor, it will appear automatically in the Connected To menu. If you have multiple Receptors,
the first will appear, but you can select a different one in the Connected To menu.
7 Setthedesired
8 Configure your UniWire and Receptor options as previously discussed. Some options include:
If you want to use an existing Multi patch and treat Receptor as if it were connected to your host computer via
MIDI and audio cables, simply keep the Send MIDI to menu set to All Receptor Channels and select the desired Multi
patch using UniWire’s Multi Bank and Multi Patch selectors.
If you want to communicate with each Receptor channel as if were its own external sound module, use the Send
MIDI to menu to select which Receptor channel to communicate with. You will then have access to the Single Bank
and Single Patch fields should you wish to select existing Receptor Singles via UniWire.
If you want to configure Receptor manually, simply click the Launch Receptor Remote button and Receptor’s
graphical User Interface will appear in another window. Make sure, when you edit Receptor in this way, to save your
edits to either a Receptor Single or Multi patch, so that they are automatically recalled by your host sequencer.
Detailed discussions of every UniWire parameter were discussed earlier in this document.
MIDI Input field
Cubase Uses Receptor as an External UniWire Effect
The following describes how to use UniWire to make Receptor act as an external effect within Cubase˛SX3:
1 Before beginning, make sure UniWire is enabled on Receptor.
To do this from Receptor’s graphical interface, click the SETUP tab and check the Enable UniWire option in the new
UNIWIRE section in Setup View.
To do this from Receptor’s front panel, press the SETUP button and rotate the top display knob until the top line shows
the “UniWire” option, then rotate the bottom knob to select Enabled.