Motion Pro 11-0057 User Manual

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Pay attention to the routing of the wires, so that you can properly reassemble the switch when the housing
modification is complete. Then remove the three screws in the upper half to remove the mode switch and
engine kill switch.

Next, clip the zip tie holding the wiring harness to the housing, and remove the starter button assembly from
the housing. Be careful not to cut the sheath or any wires when cutting the cable tie. Remove the switch
assembly from the lower housing.

Now that the switches have all been removed from the housing, it is time to cut off the old throttle portion of
the housing. The best method for cutting the housing is to use a band saw or table saw, but it is possible to
cut it by hand using a hack saw if necessary. The most important part is to leave a little excess housing
behind to be removed later, to avoid cutting into the switch part of the housing. This image illustrates where
the cuts should go:


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