Motion Pro 11-0057 User Manual
Motion Pro For motorcycles

Modifying Part# 11-0057 for Installation on 2008-2009 Suzuki
GSXR 600 and 750, and 2007-2008 Suzuki GSXR1000
The models listed above use a mode switch on the right hand handlebar housing to control various ECU
settings. When installing the Motion Pro Revolver Throttle Kit, the Motion Pro Accessory Switch part # 11-
0057 does not have the ability to replicate the function of the mode switch. Therefore, an owner of the above
models must source another switch, or modify their stock switch, so that there is enough room on the
handlebar for all of the controls that must be there, including the brake master cylinder, switch housing, and
throttle assembly. Note: Modifying the stock switch assembly will reduce the width of the housing by
approximately 15mm, but this will not be narrow enough to fit all of the components on the stock handlebar
and still be able to fit the bar end. It is necessary to use longer aftermarket handlebars to be able to have
enough room to use the Revolver throttle and the modified stock switch.
To modify the stock switch assembly, you will be cutting off the now unused portion of the housing that used
to locate the stock throttle tube.
First, the switches have to be removed from the housing. Remove the main screws that hold the two
housing halves together and gently open the two halves. Be careful to not stress or damage the wires that
run between the two halves. Remove the insulating cover in the lower half over the starter switch and
remove the strain relief.
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