Motion Pro 01-0063 User Manual
Motion Pro For motorcycles

(E) Throttle Sleeve
(A) Housing Top Half (C) Housing Bottom Half (D) Guide
(B) Friction Screw
WARNING: This throttle is designed and intended for very low speed use
(less than 4MPH), DO NOT INSTALL on any vehicle used for sport operation.
1. Remove the socket head screws holding the housing halves (A & C) together and separate the housing
halves. Note: Do not lose the cable guide (C), it may fall out.
2. Insert the cable through the housing half (A) and thread the cable adjuster in. Pull the inner wire through
the housing half (A) and slide the cable guide (D) into position in the housing making sure that cable is in the
slot in the guide (D).
3. Place the throttle sleeve (E) onto the clean/lubed handlebar end. Insert the cable ball end into the slot on
the throttle sleeve drum and insert the sleeve (E) into the housing half (A). Hold the other housing half (C) in
place and check that the sleeve (E) rotates freely and returns freely and fully to the stop at the throttle off (idle)
4. Insert the socket head screws loosely. Turn the assembly to the desired position and tighten the socket head
screws evenly while retaining equal spacing (gap) between the housing halves (A & C) at both sides of the
handlebar. Do not exceed 26 inch-pounds (3 Nm). Normally, the correct position is with the cable running
below and to the rear of the handlebar centerline, with the friction screw up or to the rear to allow easy
Never set the friction screw tighter than necessary to prevent the carb return spring
from operating. At no time should the friction screw be too tight to allow manual
throttle closure without loosening the friction screw.
Parts Available Individually
(B) P/N 01-0096 Friction Screw Set
(E) P/N 01-0095 Throttle Sleeve
I01-0063 12/2009