Motion Pro 08-0143 User Manual
Motion Pro For motorcycles

The Motion Pro Easy Bleed Brake Bleeder is a one-way check valve. This tool allows air and
brake fluid to escape, but will not allow air to re-enter the system. Note: This tool will not
bleed air from a dry system.
Brake Fluid can cause eye irritation. In case of contact with eyes, flush immediately with plenty of water and
get medical attention.
Always use clean brake fluid of the type recommended by the vehicle manufacturer. Brake fluid contaminated
with dirt, water, petroleum products or other materials may result in brake failure.
Brake fluid will damage painted surfaces. If brake fluid contacts painted surfaces rinse immediately with water.
1. Attach a piece of 3/16” I.D. clear plastic tube to each end of the tool. The internal check valve allows fluid to flow in
the direction of the arrow, so the arrow should always point from the caliper to the brake fluid catch can.
2. Clean the brake calipers, caliper bleeder valves and master cylinder.
3. Position the proper size wrench onto the caliper bleeder valve. Next, secure the inlet hose of the tool onto the caliper
bleeder valve.
4. Remove the brake master cylinder cap. To avoid brake fluid spillage, leave the cap resting loosely on top of the
5. To ensure proper operation of this tool, it is necessary to prime it. To do this, position the tool vertically and begin to
depress the lever/pedal, making sure to close the bleeder screw when pressure is not applied, repeat until brake
fluid is seen in the outlet hose. Position the outlet hose of the tool into a brake fluid catch can.
6. Open the bleeder valve approximately one-half turn. CAUTION: If the brake fluid level in the master cylinder
becomes too low, air will be introduced into the system. Depress and release the brake pedal or lever several
times to bleed air out of the brake system. Replenish the reservoir with clean brake fluid as needed. Repeat this
procedure until all air has been removed from the brake system (no air bubbles appear in the inlet hose).
7. Tighten the bleeder valve to the vehicle manufacturer’s torque specification. Set brake fluid level to the vehicle
manufacturer’s specification. Clean and re-install the master cylinder cap.
NOTE: Sometimes brake fluid leakage or air introduction may occur at the threads of the bleeder valve. To avoid these
problems, remove the bleeder valve and seal the thread using Teflon
tape. Re-install the bleeder valve and perform
steps 1 thru 5 above.
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