Motion Pro Mercury User Manual

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1 – Put on rubber or latex gloves.

2 – If there are any broken pieces of glass or sharp objects, pick them up with care. Place all broken objects on a paper

towel. Fold the paper towel and place in a zip lock bag. Secure the bag and label it as directed by your local health or

fire department.

3 – Locate visible mercury beads. Use a squeegee or cardboard to gather mercury beads. Use slow sweeping motions to

keep mercury from becoming uncontrollable. Take a flashlight, hold it at a low angle close to the floor in a darkened

room and look for additional glistening beads of mercury that may be sticking to the surface or in small cracked areas

of the surface. Note: Mercury can move surprising distances on hard-flat surfaces, so be sure to inspect the entire

room when “searching.”

4 – Use the eyedropper to collect or draw up the mercury beads. Slowly and carefully squeeze mercury onto a damp

paper towel. Place the paper towel in a zip lock bag and secure. Make sure to label the bag as directed by your local

health or fire department.

5 – After you remove larger beads, put shaving cream on top of small paint brush and gently “dot” the affected area to pick

up smaller hard-to-see beads. Alternatively, use duct tape to collect smaller hard-to-see beads. Place the paint brush

or duct tape in a zip lock bag and secure. Make sure to label the bag as directed by your local health or fire


6 – OPTIONAL STEP: It is OPTIONAL to use commercially available powdered sulfur to absorb the beads that are too

small to see. The sulfur does two things: (1) it makes the mercury easier to see since there may be a color change

from yellow to brown and (2) it binds the mercury so that it can be easily removed and suppresses the vapor of any

missing mercury. Where to get commercialized sulfur? It may be supplied as mercury vapor absorbent in mercury spill

kits, which can be purchased from laboratory, chemical supply and hazardous materials response supply


7 – Place all materials used with the cleanup, including gloves, in a trash bag. Place all mercury beads and objects into

the trash bag. Secure trash bag and label it as directed by your local health or fire department.

8 – Contaminated carpeting should be removed and disposed of in accordance with federal, state and local regulations

9 – Contact your local health department, municipal waste authority or your local fire department for proper disposal in

accordance with local, state and federal laws.

Text from the

web site.

Procedures for a small Mercury spill clean up