Maxim Integrated MAX-IDE MAXQ Microcontrollers User Manual
Page 5

Figure 4. The Options window asks you to choose a MAXQ device.
The drop-down menu in Figure 4 shows the available devices, which consist of specific MAXQ devices
(e.g., MAXQ2000) and generic devices (e.g., MAXQ10—Generic for a MAXQ10 architecture). Note that
when you choose a specific device like the MAXQ2000, the Processor is selected automatically. If, for
example, the MAXQ2000 is selected, the MAXQ20 would be selected automatically as its processor. The
user can also change the value for crystal frequency, ring frequency, and Timer2 clock. The other fields
in this window are noneditable.
For this article, we choose the MAXQ30-Generic for the device.
Step 7: There are two ways to compile the project: Make and Build All. Using the Project menu (see
Figure 3), Make will compile only those files that changed since the last successful compile. Build All
will always compile all the files.
For this application, press F7 or select
Step 8: If you entered the text exactly as in Table 1, you should get an error when you compile at the
LCALL Hex2Asc2
To point to the source of error, double click on the error line in the message window. Retype the line to:
and recompile.
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