LR Baggs Venue DI User Manual

Page 5

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How to use the Notch Filter

First plug your guitar into an amp or PA through the Venue D.I. and turn the volume

up to the point where it begins to feed back or where a particular note rings out

louder than the others. Then, allow the guitar to feedback a little as you slowly turn

the notch knob from left to right. When the knob reaches the position of the problem

frequency the feedback will suddenly stop.

G. Clip Meter

The Clip meter gives you a visual tool to help set the appropriate amount of gain for

your instrument. The ideal headroom is achieved when the yellow LED is lit consistently

and the red LED blinks occasionally while playing at your loudest level.

H. Gain

This feature is one of the most important keys to achieving optimum sound quality

and signal-to-noise ratio. Too little gain will adversely effect your tone and could

create additional noise. Too much gain will overdrive the input of the preamp causing

distortion. Use the clip meter to set the appropriate gain.

How to Determine the Ideal Gain Setting

Begin with the gain knob on the Venue D.I. in the counter-clockwise position. Turn

the knob clockwise as you strum the guitar until the red LED at the top of the clip

meter barely begins to flash at the loudest playing level. If the red LED comes on

strong continuously while you play, you will most likely hear some distortion coming

from the guitar signal. The meter is located in the signal path just after the EQ and

just before the FX loop. You will need to reset your gain for the optimum level if you

change the EQ settings.