LR Baggs Control-X Preamp User Manual
Page 2
![background image](/manuals/698313/2/background.png)
7. To position the hole for the push-button switch, temporarily in-stall
the Ctrl-X pot and circuit board in the hole where the middle tone
pot used to be. Center the pot in the hole, with the circuit board parts
facing the outside edge of the pickguard, as shown in figure 4. Be
sure that the edges of the circuit board aren't touching the 5-way
switch or the bottom of the tone pot. With the push-button switch in
the out position, it will almost touch the pickguard. Trace around the
switch plunger, remove the Ctrl-X assembly and drill a 1/16" pilot
hole where the center of the plunger will be. Hold the Ctrl-X
assembly in place and make sure the switch can still be centered on
the pilot hole. Then drill the real hole. A 15/64" bit is preferred;
however, you can use a 1/4" bit (although this may look a bit large).
Gently de-burr the outside of the hole using a countersink held in the
8. Now install the Ctrl-X assembly. The pot should go directly against
the pickguard on the inside, and the washer and nut on the outside.
Finger tighten the assembly. Center the switch plunger over its hole,
and add the button (we've provided a choice of white or black). Then
tighten the nut, making sure the button stays centered in its hole. On
some guitars, the Ctrl-X circuit board will come close to one lug of
the lower tone pot. If it does, bend the lug a bit to make sure nothing
will short out.
9. Figure 5 shows the wiring for the following three steps. Solder the
black ground wire from the circuit board to the volume pot case. Run
the orange output wire to the CW lug of the volume pot, but don't
solder it yet.
10. Install the toggle switch. Remove the decorative nut from the
threaded bushing and adjust the remaining nut and lock-washer so
that the bushing sticks out of the hole by about 2 or 3 threads; this is
enough for the decorative nut to catch the threads and tighten. If the
bushing sticks up too far, the decorative nut will bottom out before
the switch is tight in its hole. Move the inside nut out a bit and try
again. Before you tighten the nut all the way, position the switch on
the underside of the pickguard so the side with three wires is closest
to the 5-way switch. This is necessary so that each position on the
switch (up, middle and down) functions the way it is explained in the
owner's manual.
11. Solder the white wire from the toggle switch to the 5-way switch
output (the same lug from which you removed the original wire to
the volume control). Solder the orange wire from the toggle switch to
the CW lug of the volume control, along with the orange wire from
the PC board. Both orange wires go to the same lug. Solder the
ground wire from the other two pot cases to the Ctrl-X pot case. It
will be necessary to first scrape some of the yellow finish from the
side of the pot for the solder to stick to it.
12. The following three steps are shown in figures 6 and 7. Now, with
the guitar on its back, lay the pickguard next to it, open-book fashion,
and resolder the main ground wire (from the spring cavity) to one of
the pot cases. You will need to solder three wires to the circuit board.
The solder pads are located in the upper right hand corner of the
board away from the 5-way switch. First solder the yellow wire from
the output jack to the lowest of the three pads (labeled Y ), then the
white wire from the jack to the next one up (labeled W ), and the X-
Bridge coax to the top connections (with the box around them). See
figure 6. The braid of the coax goes to the largest hole and the inner
"hot" wire to the small one next to it. Be sure the sleeve insulator is
on the coax, and pull the braid through the circuit board hole as far
as it will go before soldering it. Clip any long wire ends after
soldering, and make sure the clippings don't end up in the cavity to
short things out later.
13. After you've completed the soldering, bundle the three wires
together with the cable tie provided in the kit. Tighten the cable tie
around the three wires about one inch away from the circuit board.
This ensures that the insulation for the X-Bridge coax will not slip
back and expose the bare braid, and helps to keep the wires under
control. Caution: finger tighten only. Using pliers to tighten the
cable may cut the insulation, causing a short. Clip off the excess
cable tie (see figure 6).
14. Solder the black wire from the output jack to the volume pot
ground, and the red wire from the jack to the volume pot wiper
(middle) lug. Resolder the wire from the lower tone pot to the 5-way
switch. If there is enough length, run it behind the Ctrl-X circuit
fig. 2: step 5
fig. 3: outside view
fig. 4:
inside view