LR Baggs iMix User Manual

Page 3

background image

fig. 7

fig. 6

- 9 -

tie block

saddle slot



drill pin hole here


fig. 8

This top-down view depicts the bridge with
the saddle removed. These pin hole locations
apply to all non-pin bridges.

7. Insert the fixture holding the iBeam into the guitar. Find the high and low E-
string bridge pin holes with the rods on the fixture.

8. Insert the rods into these holes and then elevate the fixture straight up until
the rods just poke out of the holes about 1/2". Grasp one of the rods from the
outside of the guitar and hold it. Do not pull up yet. While holding the one rod,
let go of the fixture inside of the guitar and grab the other rod on the outside
of the guitar.

9. Now pull straight up on the rods as shown in figure 7 to elevate the iBeam
until it contacts the bridge plate. Tug up on the rods to secure the pickup.

10. Pop the fixture off the iBeam inside the guitar and remove the fixture.

11. Press up firmly along the top surface of the iBeam, especially on the ends,
to secure it. It’s a good idea to press down on the bridge from the outside of
the guitar as you press up on the iBeam from the inside to equalize pressure
and avoid cracking the top. Wiggle the iBeam front to back a little as you

12. Restring the guitar, connect the iBeam to the preamp's "iBeam" socket and
plug into your amp or PA. Connect the Remote to the preamp's "remote"
socket, turn the mix wheel completely to the iBeam, and test the pickup
placement. If the sound is satisfactory (see below for a definition of this),
secure the wire with a wire clip and turn to the Element installation in section
8. If the sound is unsatisfactory, see section 7. Do not test the pickup
placement without firmly securing the adhesive. Without completely securing
the pickup, the sound test will produce unreliable results.

The optimum location will deliver a sound that is focused and tight, with
proper string balance and good presence. It will capture enough of the string
resonance to be articulate, but will be mellowed by a full and strong body
resonance. Ultimately, it will accurately capture the distinct tone of the
instrument. An unsatisfactory location will often be characterized by a woofy
or nasal tone, poor string balance and a high sensitivity to feedback.

5 . i B E A M I N S T A L L A T I O N : N O N - P I N


5.1 General positioning guidelines: The
iBeam is a highly sensitive pickup;
therefore, placement and the unique
characteristics of the instrument are
critical factors in producing the
outstanding results of which the iBeam is
capable. A few millimeters in any
direction can have profound effects on
the quality of the sound. Because every
guitar is unique, you may be rewarded by
searching for the optimum location. With
non-pin bridge guitars, it is unlikely that
the first selected spot will be ideal.

In general, placing the iBeam directly
under the saddle will provide the
greatest sense of immediacy, impact,
snap and “string” sound. Offsetting the
pickup either toward or away from the
sound hole will increase the amount of “body” in the sound and generally have a more mellow and homogeneous tone with less midrange.

5.2 Non-pin bridge installation (initial placement): Installation on non-pin bridge guitars requires that you remove the saddle, drill a small hole
in each end of the saddle slot, and insert guide pins to act as a reference when locating the iBeam. The hole locations will correspond to the small
slots in the bottom of each end of the iBeam (see figure 8). A good starting place is to drill the holes so that the iBeam will be centered under the
E strings. You will need an inspection light, inspection mirror, drill, 1/16" drill bit, matchsticks or toothpicks, and a short pencil.

1. Drill a 1/16" hole through the bridge at both ends of the saddle slot. If the guitar already has a hole in the saddle slot for a pickup, you may be
able to use this as one of the holes. The minimum distance between the holes should allow the notches in each end of the iBeam's base to nest
over the protruding matches or toothpicks that you will insert as a reference to place the iBeam.

2. Press the matches or toothpicks into the holes until they just protrude (1/16" to 1/8") into the guitar. These will act as locating pins for
determining the iBeam's placement.

3. Remove the adhesive backing from the iBeam and, holding the iBeam between your thumb and two middle fingers, use your index and little
fingers to locate the matches.

4. Hold the iBeam at a slight angle away from the inside of the guitar top, and, using the slot in one end of the bottom of the iBeam, locate one of
the protruding matches. Rotate the other end of the pickup until you find the other protruding match with the other slot. Then very lightly press
the adhesive against the bridge plate with just enough pressure to hold it in place.