Kenton Pro-4 User Manual
Page 19

The first five bytes of sysex for the PRO-4 are always the same for all data types;
[ 1 ]
- Sysex command
[ 2 ]
- Company ident first byte
[ 3 ]
- Company ident second byte
[ 4 ]
- Company ident third byte
[ 5 ]
- Product code
[ 6 ]
- where nnnn = device number & ddd is data type
if ddd = 100 = memory dump
if ddd = 010 = information change
if ddd = 001 = information request
ddd = 001 = information request
[ 7 ]
- where bbbb = block requested - valid are 0 - 8
[ 8 ]
- end of exclusive
The PRO-4 responds with a memory dump of the block requested.
ddd = 010 = information change
[ 7 ]
- where llll = low 4 bits of parameter address
[ 8 ]
- where hhhh = high 4 bits of parameter address
[ 9 ]
- where llll = low 4 bits of data
[ 10 ] 0000hhhh
- where hhhh = high 4 bits of data
[ 11 ] 0F7h
- end of exclusive
The PRO-4 responds by changing the specified data and updating the display if necessary. - See below
for parameter addresses.
ddd = 100 = memory dump
[ 7 ]
- where bbbb = block requested - valid are 0 - 8
[ 8 ]
- where llll = low 4 bits of number of bytes in dump.
[ 9 ]
- where hhhh = high 4 bits of number of bytes in dump.
[ 10 ] 0000llll
- where llll = low 4 bits of data
[ 11 ] 0000hhhh
- where hhhh = high 4 bits of data
Bytes 10 & 11 are repeated the number of times specified in 8/9
[ 12 ] 0lllllll
- where lllllll are the lowest 7 bits of crc
[ 13 ] 0mmmmmmm - where mmmmmmm are the middle 7 bits of crc
[ 14 ] 000000hh
- where hh are the high 2 bits of crc
[ 15 ] 0F7h
- end of exclusive
The PRO-4 will send the above data when requested either from the front panel or by the sysex
information request listed above.
When memory dump data is sent to the PRO-4 the following will happen:-
If the dump specifies block 0 (current setup) the data will be immediately utilised and the display will be
If the dump specifies any other block (a stored memory location) the dump will be ignored unless the
display is first set to show “WAITING TO RECEIVE SYSEX DATA”
When a block (or blocks) is received, the display changes to RECEIVED followed by the number(s) of the
block(s) received.To save this/these to memory, press and hold the LOAD button. Any other button will
abort the dump.
You may change the device number and block number of a memory dump without causing any
problem. The CRC is calculated only on the actual data itself. For example, data that came from
memory 6 could be returned to the current setup by merely changing the 06 in byte [ 7 ] to a 00.
Parameter data is stored in the following addresses:-
Valid range
{Notes} Address Default