Intek RheoVac DR User Manual

Page 31

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August 1, 2004


iii. Select ‘Protocol’ from the Select Network Component Type dialog box.
iv. Click the ‘Add’ button next to the list.
v. The Select Network Protocol dialog box will appear.
vi. Select ‘Microsoft’ from the Manufacturers list.
vii. Select ‘NetBEUI’ from the Network Protocols list.

4. Networking with the

RheoVac DR: If all of the items above are completed successfully, the

UIC or LAN computer should be able to network with the

RheoVac DR. To search for the

RheoVac DR from the UIC or LAN computer:
Method 1

Open Network Neighborhood.


RheoVac instrument is identified by a unique network ID. The ID is an “R” plus

the first five digits of the serial number found on the unit.

Look for the Network ID of your

RheoVac DR. If the expected Network ID (See

previous paragraph) does not show up in the list, then type in the appropriate Address
line (\\“R” plus the first five digits of the serial number) and click the ‘Go’ button. This
may take several seconds and then a RHEOVAC folder will appear, which is the hard
drive of the

RheoVac DR.

Open the RHEOVAC folder then open the DATA folder. The \\

Network ID

\RHEOVAC\DATA folder contains all the stored data. Use Windows copy/paste
(COPY - Ctrl C; PASTE- Ctrl V) to save the data files to the UIC or LAN computer.

Method 2

Open My Computer

Type in the Address line: \\

Network ID (Network ID is defined above) and click the ‘Go’

button. This may take several seconds and then a RHEOVAC folder will appear, which
is the hard drive of the

RheoVac DR.

Open the RHEOVAC folder then open the DATA folder. The \\

Network ID

\RHEOVAC\DATA folder contains all the stored data. Use copy/paste functions to save
the data files to the UIC or LAN computer.



1. Ethernet Cable:

a. UIC Connection: use CAT5 network crossover cable (supplied by Intek) to connect the

Ethernet port of the UIC to the Ethernet port on the

RheoVac DR.

b. LAN Connection: use CAT5 straight high noise-immune Ethernet cable (not supplied)

with RJ45 plug to connect the Ethernet port of the LAN to the Ethernet port of the
RheoVac DR.

2. Workgroup Identification: Unless otherwise requested, the Workgroup identification for the

RheoVac DR will be WORKGROUP. To check/set the workgroup name: Right click on the
‘My Computer’ icon on the UIC or LAN computer desktop. Select ‘Properties’ from the
menu that appears. Select the ‘Network Identification’ tab of the System Properties dialog
box that appears. Verify that Workgroup is WORKGROUP.

3. Check for Installed Network Components: Click the ‘Start’ button, select ‘Settings’, select

‘Network and Dial-up Connections’. Or, right click ‘My Network Places’ and select