Heli-Max HMXE09 User Manual
Page 8

Moving the collective stick up (away from you) will cause the
helicopter to climb higher.
Moving the collective stick down (towards you) will cause the
helicopter to descend.
Moving the tail rotor stick towards the left will cause the
helicopter nose to rotate left (counterclockwise).
Moving the tail rotor stick towards the right will cause the
helicopter nose to rotate right (clockwise).
The Heli-Max AXE CX Micro is an extremely lightweight
model helicopter. Taking that into consideration, you should
only fl y the AXE CX Micro indoors or in calm wind.
Slowly add power and observe the model. If you feel it needs
trimming do so before lift off. You will quickly fi nd that model
helicopters never allow you to return the sticks to center. You just
need to position the stick as needed to maintain a steady hover.
You will notice the cyclic controls lag behind your inputs. This is
perfectly normal and something you get the feel for with time.
It’s normal to drift around a little in a hover until you get used to
fl ying the model. The cyclic controls on the AXE CX Micro are
fairly sensitive so only small movements are necessary.
Once the helicopter is up in the air, simply try to hold the
helicopter in one spot. This can take some practice and
wind or air currents have a big effect on the stability of the
helicopter as well. Be patient and slowly work forward as
trying to rush the learning process can be costly.
Level the helicopter into a solid hover and slowly decrease
power until the helicopter settles onto the ground.
Once you get comfortable with hovering at different
orientations and landing, it’s time to move on to more
advanced maneuvers.