Heli-Max HMXE04 v1.1 User Manual
Page 2

INTRODUCTION ..............................................................2
AMA ..................................................................................2
SAFETY PRECAUTIONS ................................................2
ADDITIONAL ITEMS REQUIRED ....................................3
ORDERING REPLACEMENT PARTS ..............................3
KIT INSPECTION..............................................................4
KIT CONTENTS ................................................................4
METRIC/INCH RULER......................................................4
ASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS ..........................................5
GET THE MODEL READY TO FLY ..................................6
PREFLIGHT ......................................................................7
AMA SAFETY CODE (excerpts) ....................................7
CONTROLS ......................................................................8
FLYING ..............................................................................9
MAINTENANCE ..............................................................11
OPTIONAL UPGRADE ..................................................13
PARTS LIST / OPTIONAL PARTS ................................16
PARTS IMAGES..............................................................18
OPTIONAL PARTS IMAGES ..................Back Cover Page
Thank you for purchasing the Heli-Max AXE
Helicopter. We are certain you will get many hours of
enjoyment out of this model. If you should have any
questions or concerns please feel free to contact us at
[email protected].
For the latest technical updates or manual corrections to the
AXE Mini EP RTF visit the Heli-Max web site at
www.helimax-rc.com. Open the “Helicopters” link, and
then select the AXE Mini EP RTF. If there is new technical
information or changes to this model a “tech notice” box will
appear in the upper left corner of the page.
We urge you to join the AMA (Academy of Model
Aeronautics) and a local R/C club. The AMA is the
governing body of model aviation and membership is
required to fly at AMA clubs. Though joining the AMA
provides many benefits, one of the primary reasons to join
is liability protection. Coverage is not limited to flying at
contests or on the club field. It even applies to flying at public
demonstrations and air shows. Failure to comply with the
Safety Code (excerpts printed in the back of the manual)
may endanger insurance coverage. Additionally, training
programs and instructors are available at AMA club sites to
help you get started the right way. There are over 2,500
AMA chartered clubs across the country. Contact the AMA
at the address or toll-free phone number below.
IMPORTANT!!! Two of the most important things you can do
to preserve the radio controlled model hobby are to avoid
flying near full-scale aircraft and avoid flying near or over
groups of people.
Failure to follow these safety precautions may result in
severe injury to yourself and others.
Keep your face and body as well as all spectators away from
the plane of rotation of the rotors whenever the battery
is connected.
Keep these items away from the rotors: loose clothing, shirt
sleeves, ties, scarfs, long hair or loose objects such as
pencils or screwdrivers that may fall out of shirt or jacket
pockets into the rotors.
The spinning blades of a model helicopter can cause
serious injury. When choosing a flying site for your AXE Mini
EP RTF, stay clear of buildings, trees and power lines.
AVOID flying in or near crowded areas. DO NOT fly close to
people, children or pets. Maintain a safe pilot-to-helicopter
distance while flying.
Academy of Model Aeronautics
5151 East Memorial Drive
Muncie, IN 47302
Tele: (800) 435-9262
Fax (765) 741-0057
Or via the Internet at:
CAUTION: Be aware that the AXE Mini EP RTF
operates on the same frequency band as larger R/C
models. If flying your AXE Mini EP RTF within five miles
of an R/C site, there is a real possibility that you could
be operating your model on the same frequency
(channel) as another R/C pilot. If this happens, a crash
will result–with the person flying the more expensive
model suffering the greater loss (and having greater
potential for property damage or injury). The best thing
to do is to join an R/C club and fly at the site where
frequency control measures will be in effect. If you insist
on flying elsewhere, always be aware of your
proximity to R/C flying sites.