Flying, Crashing, Takeoff – Heli-Max HMXE0814 User Manual
Page 11

Electric motors are very dangerous. Do not work on the model
while the fl ight battery is plugged in as interference may cause
the main rotor blades to spin, possibly causing injury to yourself.
Slide the flight battery into the
battery compartment. NOTE: The
battery will only install one way. The
helicopter will be “ON” at this point.
Immediately place the helicopter
on a level surface and wait for at
least 5 seconds. This allows the
TAGS system to calibrate.
Your helicopter has a safe start feature built in that prevents the motor
from activating unless the throttle stick has been lowered to the lowest
position. If the motor won’t run and turn the main blades, please make
sure the throttle stick is all the way down and leave it there for a couple
of seconds. Then try moving the stick up slowly.
The Heli-Max MD-530 is a lightweight helicopter. Taking that into consideration,
you should only fl y indoors or in calm winds less than 5mph. It should be fl own
in a large area of at least 75 feet [15.25m] square with no obstacles.
If you have operated radio control models in the past, then you probably already
realize that it is not a matter of “if” you are going to crash, it is a matter of “when”
you are going to crash. Once you realize the model is going to collide with
something or crash into the ground, you should always bring the throttle stick all
the way down to stop the main rotor blades from rotating. If you can remember
to do this, chances are you will not damage the helicopter in the crash. The
main rotor blades carry a lot of RPM and inertia during fl ight. Cutting the power
to the main rotor blades will prevent most of the crash damage.
Slowly add power, observe the model and make all of the necessary corrections
to keep the model level. Position the stick as needed to maintain a steady hover.
If you find that the helicopter will move off in one direction (as if out of trim),
recalibrate the TAGS system by reinstalling the battery and placing the heli
on a level surface for at least 5 seconds.