Heli-Max HMXJ2025 User Manual
Page 9

7. Press the ENTER button to save and move to the next channel (you may also dial (D)
after pressing ENTER to expedite your selections).
8. NOTE: Channel 3 will show the icon “dot”. Pressing ENTER allows a 5 point throttle
curve in both airplane and helicopter modes. Simply scroll, press ENTER and dial in a
new value for each point (dot) of the curve. (ALSO NOTE: When a helicopter model is
setup or chosen you also have access to a 5 point pitch curve on Channel 6. We will talk
more about that in the Helicopter specifi c section.
9. Press the BACK button to exit and save the settings.
Sub trim is used to center a servo arm within the programming. NOTE: Most heading hold
gyro systems including TAG systems don’t respond well to trim or sub-trim changes. It is
best to have sub trims set at 0 when using heading hold stabilization systems.
1. Turn on the transmitter.
2. Press button MODE for one second. You have entered model setup.
3. Turn the ADJUST dial until you see the channel trim boxes fl ash on Channels 1, 2 and 4
(it will be the last fl ashing menu when using the dial).
4. Press ENTER to enter this option.
5. Dial ADJUST to scroll between the three channels.
6. Press ENTER to activate the channel.
7. Rotate the ADJUST dial to change the value.
8. Press BACK to escape and save the setting.
The fl ap switch can be used a few different ways. One turns on or actuates the fl aps
by fl ipping the switch down. Depending on the position of the fl ap trim dial the fl aps
will deploy to that setting. OR, one can adjust the servo linkage such that with the fl ap
switch ON/DOWN, the user dials in the amount of fl ap defl ection desired using the
HOV.T/FLAP.T dial.
The TX610 allows you to adjust the transit speed to channel 5 servo (landing gear).
You may adjust different speeds for both up and down.
1. Turn on your transmitter.
2. Press the MODE button for one second. You have entered model setup.
3. Turn the ADJUST dial until you see the G-S icon fl ash.
4. Press MODE or ENTER and the setting value will fl ash.