Heli-Max HMXE0835 Maintenance Guide User Manual
Page 3

4: Remove the little red rubber cap from
the bottom of the motor. You can pry the
cap off with your fingernail or hobby
knife. Using your included screwdriver,
insert it into the hole and lightly push.
When done remember to replace the
rubber cap! In some cases the impact can
be severe enough to shift the motor end
bell. This step helps re-seat the part.
5: Re-spin the prop as you did in the beginning. It should spin freely. It’s also a good idea to check to see
if you might have bent a motor shaft; having said this, the propeller should spin straight and true.
NOTE: If one motor does not spin as freely as the others, go ahead and give a quick test fly. Although
this is not going to give you the very best performance it might get you flying. Just remember, the
motor should not be tight or bound up or you WILL damage your Quadcopter.
To replace the motor arm:
If you find your propeller still does not spin freely you might want to replace the part. Here is a quick
and simple guide on how to do this.
1: Start by removing the body. Simply pry
up on one corner to release it, then do the
same with the other three corners.