Haltech E6X Manual Win Version User Manual
Page 43
E6X Manual
Number of Teeth
This field is only applicable if the trigger type is Multi-tooth or Motronic.
Multi-tooth The number of teeth on the multi-tooth wheel.
Motronic The number of teeth on the Motronic wheel including the missing teeth.
Please note that the number of teeth is for a complete engine cycle (720 deg). Eg. If you are
using a 24 tooth Cam trigger, the number of teeth would be 24. If you were using this
same trigger on the Crankshaft, the number of teeth would need to be set to 48.
Tooth Offset
This field is only applicable if the trigger type is Multi-tooth or Motronic. The offset
is the number of teeth the synchronisation event occurs prior to the trigger. This
setting also appears in the Ignition Set-up page for convenience.
Home Window Teeth
This field is only applicable if the trigger type is Nissan. The “home window teeth” is
the number of the small outer teeth counted during the desired home window.
Nissan Tooth Offset
This field is only applicable if the trigger type is Nissan. The Nissan tooth offset is
used to delay the trigger event after the synchronisation event defined by home
window teeth.
Trigger Input
This field defines the type of pickup used to trigger the ECU. Select Int. Reluctor or
Hall effect depending on the trigger being used. As both Hall effect and optical trigger
sensors generate a square wave select Hall effect for optical sensors.
Trigger Edge
The trigger edge defines whether the ECU uses a rising or falling signal from the
pickup. For a further description on trigger edge see the appendix.
Motronic Mode
This field allows the user to enable or disable trigger filtering when using the built-in
RA8 reluctor adaptor. Typically this field is set to “OFF” to maximise noise
suppression. Many missing tooth triggers such as late model Subaru and Bosch 60-2
motronic require this field set to “ON” to maintain a good trigger signal.
Trigger Gain
This field is only applicable if you are using a Reluctor pickup as the "Trigger Input".
The Trigger Gain defines the amplification of the signal from the Internal Reluctor
pickup required to trigger to the ECU. This function has been developed to allow a
wide range of Internal Reluctor pickups of varying signal amplitude to drive the ECU.
When choosing the Trigger Gain start at zero and increase the gain until a steady
trigger signal is seen, this can be done when the timing is checked for the first time.
During cranking check that there is ignition and that the timing mark on the pulley
wheel does not jump erratically, if there is no ignition or the timing mark jumps
erratically increase the gain until the timing mark is steady. This should only be done