Appendix c injectors c.1 injector impedance – Haltech E6X Manual Win Version User Manual

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E6X Manual




C.1 Injector Impedance

Injectors, when classified electrically, fall into 2 categories:

Saturation Injectors this type of injector derives its name from the method used to

drive it open, the coil is saturated with current to create the
magnetic force used to open the injector until the injector is to
be closed

. This type of injector has a coil impedance > 12Ω,

this means that if 12V is applied across the coil the current will
not exceed 1A.

Peak and Hold

this type of injector also derives its name from the method used
to drive the injector open. The coil is saturated with current
until the ECU detects the current has reached a “Peak” value
(4A), at this point the ECU limits the current to a “Hold” value
(1A). The Peak and Hold currents can vary from injector to
injector, the ECU supports 4A Peak - 1A Hold and 8A Peak –
2A Hold per driver. This type of injector has a coil impedance
< 3