Great Planes Spirit 100 ARF - GPMA1049 User Manual
Page 15

2. Connect the wing servos and, if used, the spoiler hooks
to the loop end of the spoiler activation rod. The spoiler cables
will need to be pulled slightly to reach the loop on the wire. Be
careful no to over-extend the spoilers by pulling too hard on
the cable. Mount the wing with the four 6-32 x 3/4" [19mm]
SHCS and washers.
3. Tape the canopy to the opposite side of the fuse from
the battery.
4. Accurately mark the balance point on the bottom of the
wing on both sides of the fuselage. Use thin strips of tape or
a felt-tip pen to make the marks. The balance point (CG) is
located 4-1/2" [115mm] back from the LE where the wing
meets the fuse. This is the balance point at which the model
should balance for your first flights. After initial trim flights you
may wish to experiment by shifting the balance up to 1/4"
[6mm] forward or back to change the flying characteristics.
5. Mix small amounts of the steel shot with epoxy and
pour it into the nose of the plane to set the CG.
6. After the epoxy has cured and the CG is confirmed
install the battery in the fuse.
1. Use needle nose pliers to open up the canopy hook so
there is a 1/16" [1.6mm] gap.
2. Drill a 3/64" [1.2mm] hole through the back of the
canopy. Screw the canopy hook into the canopy and secure
it with thin CA.
3. Attach a small rubber band to the fiberglass support at
the end of the hatch.
4. Loop the rubber band over the canopy hook. Slide the
canopy in place.
Mount the Canopy and Tow Hook
4-1/2" [115mm]