Great Planes Spirit 100 ARF - GPMA1049 User Manual

Page 13

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2. If you will be using the spoiler option make a servo arm

that has the outer hole at least 5/8" [16mm] from the servo
mounting hole. Enlarge the outer hole with a 5/64" drill bit.

3. Mount the rudder and elevator servos with the hardware

provided with the servos. If you will be using spoilers install
the spoiler servo also. NOTE: The spoiler servo mounts as far
right as it will go in the servo tray.

4. Plug the servos and battery into your receiver. Turn on

the transmitter to center the servos. Attach the servo arms
to the servos as shown in the sketch.

5. Center the elevator and mark the pushrod where it

crosses the hole in the servo arm.

6. Bend the pushrod 90° up at the mark you made.

7. Attach the pushrod to the servo arm with a Faslink.

Trim the excess pushrod from flush with the Faslink.

8. Attach the rudder pushrod in the same manner you did

the elevator.

9. If you will be using spoilers slide the spoiler activation

rod forward through the hole in the former at the front of the
wing opening.







Rudder Elevator



5/8" [16mm]

5/64" [2mm]