Great Planes T-Craft 20 Kit - GPMA0155 User Manual
Page 26

19. Use epoxy to glue the landing gear rail to the front of
former F-2, the fuse sides and the landing gear supports.
Make sure the landing gear rail protrudes 1/16" above the
bottom of F-2. This will allow the 1/16" balsa bottom
sheeting to butt up against the side of the landing gear rail.
20. Fit and glue the die-cut 1/8" plywood exhaust exit
side (EES), exhaust exit top (EET) and exhaust exit back
(EEB) on the back of the firewall.
21. From a leftover 1/8" x 3/8" balsa stick, cut and glue a
bottom sheeting support between formers F-4 and F-5.
22. Cut the 36" gray outer pushrod tube in half. Carefully
sand the outside of the tubes with coarse sandpaper so the
glue will stick better.
23. Insert the outer pushrod tubes through the 3/16" holes
in formers F-4, F-5 and out the exits next to F-6. Leave about
1/2" of the pushrod tubes in front of former F-4. Glue the
tubes to the formers and fuse sides. The slots in the side of
the fuse for the pushrod tube exit can be filled with Hobbico
balsa filler or a 50/50 mixture of microballoons and epoxy.
24. After the filler has cured, use a sanding bar to sand the
pushrod tubes and filler flush with the side of the fuselage.
25. Position the fuse upside-down on your building board.
Check that the aft end of the fuse is perpendicular to the building
board (when viewed from the rear). Sand the bottom of the fuse
sides and formers flush. Sheet the bottom of the fuse with 1/16"
x 3" x 30" balsa sheet, applied cross-grain, starting at the rear
edge of the landing gear rail and proceeding to the aft end of the
fuse and from the front of the landing gear rail to the firewall.
Note: A good way to do this is to lay the sheet across the
fuselage and mark the edge of the longerons on the bottom of
the sheet. Then remove the sheet and cut along the mark with
a hobby knife, allowing a little extra that will be sanded off later.
26. Use a sanding block to sand the bottom sheeting flush
with the side of the fuse.