Galaxy Audio DS-EQ215 User Manual

Page 7

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To load the selected preset press ENTER. To leave sub-menu press QUIT. During preset loading,
the display will show:

If the user tries to load an empty preset, a warning will be given:

Within this menu, use the NAVIGATION encoder to select the desired location between the user
presets. By pressing enter, it is possible to save the preset. If the chosen location is occupied, the
user will see a warning:

Pressing QUIT, the system returns to SAVE menu. Pressing ENTER, the preset will be saved and
the screen will show:

After that, saved preset name editing will be possible.
Use the NAVIGATION encoder to select character position and the PARAMETER encoder to
change the character. To save, press ENTER. To maintain default name, press QUIT. After this, the
system returns to main menu.

If a preset is not saved, switching off the device will lose it.

It is possible to select one of these functions:
1. Link L & R
2. Config Communication
3. Config Delay unit
4. Config Equ type
5. Flat Equ L
6. Flat Equ R (0)
7. Copy L to R (*)
8. Copy R to L (*)
Use the NAVIGATION encoder to select the desired function and press ENTER to access it. Press
QUIT to exit.

Link L & R:
Link L & R is used to set the following configurations:
Link L & R = OFF Dual mono mode
Link L & R = ON Stereo mode.
If Link L & R is ON, the menu associated functions are reduced, and whatever editing is made on
the Left channel will be applied also to the Right one.
Use the PARAMETER encoder to select OFF or ON. To confirm press ENTER.
When passing from OFF to ON the display will show:

Wait: Loading . . . . . .

Error: Preset Empty

Overwrite Preset?

Yes = Enter; No = Quit

Wait: Saving . . . . . .