FXpansion BFD Eco User Manual
Page 5

Grooves page (chapter 6)
The Grooves engine is located in this page, allowing you to play back a library of professionally-produced drum patterns that trigger BFD Eco’s
sounds internally.
Grooves page
Global controls
Main preset
Other interface items and panels
As well as the 3 main pages, BFD Eco also contains the following additional controls and panels:
• Main preset pickers
These pickers allow you to load and save BFD Eco Presets, kits and mixer setups. See chapter 3 for more details.
• Global controls (chapter 7)
A number of global controls are always visible on the interface.
• Options and Help menus (chapter 9)
The Options menu features a number of preference settings for certain aspects of BFD Eco’s operation. It also contains the Data path setting,
which specifies the location of the BFD Eco audio data. The Help menu, meanwhile, features links to the manual, FAQs, support form and so on.
• Keymap panel (chapter 8)
The Keymap panel is accessed from the Options menu, and lets you customize the assignment of MIDI notes to BFD Eco’s kit-piece