5 adding parts to the drum track, 4 drum track, Ruler – FXpansion BFD Eco User Manual

Page 21: Track, Scrollbar / zoom, Drum track markers, Position marker (blue), Insert marker (red), Start marker (white), 21 6:4 drum track

background image


6:4 Drum Track

The Drum Track lets you build a drum part for a full song by dragging Grooves from the browser onto a timeline.


Scrollbar /





Ruler represents the Drum Track’s timeline in bars and beats.


Grooves are added as Parts onto the

Track timeline using drag & drop (see section 6:5).

Scrollbar / Zoom


Zoom buttons at the bottom-right of the Drum Track control its horizontal zoom level. You can also use the mousewheel while holding down

the ALT key to change the zoom level. If the zoom level results in part of the Drum Track not being visible, use the

Scrollbar to change the visible


Drum Track markers

Position marker (blue)

Indicates the current playback position while the Drum Track is playing back.
Click in the

Ruler (outside the loop indicator if it is active) to set the marker’s position – if the Drum Track is currently playing, the playback

position ‘jumps’ to this new position. This also ‘disconnects’ host sync while running BFD Eco as a plugin. Stop and start the host transport to
‘reconnect’ synchronization.

Insert marker (red)

Indicates the insertion point when adding a Groove to the Drum Track and when moving or copying parts within it.
Its position also specifies the point at which Parts are split, when using the

Split Part at Marker function in the Track context menu.

Changing the insert marker position

To change the position of the

Insert marker, click the desired position on the Track.

Start marker (white)

• Standalone mode or host transport stopped

The white start marker indicates the point in the Drum Track to which the position marker is sent when using the

Return to start button on the

The next time the BFD Eco transport is started, playback starts from the

Start marker point. You can press the Return to start button during

playback, which causes the play position to jump to the start marker immediately.

• Host transport started

The Drum Track playback position always starts in sync with the host position.
You can click the

Stop or Return to start buttons on BFD Eco’s transport during playback in order to ‘disconnect’ the synchronization between

host and plugin. To re-establish host synchronization, stop and restart your host transport.

Changing the Start marker position

To change the position of the

Start marker, click in the Ruler while holding down the ALT key.

If you click twice in the Ruler, the first click sets the blue position marker and the second click sets the white start marker.

6:5 Adding parts to the Drum Track

To add a Part to the Drum Track, drag and drop any Groove from the browser to the desired position in the Drum Track. The insertion point is
shown by the red

Insert marker. Once a Groove has been dropped onto the Track, it is referred to as a Part.

1. Drag a Groove from the browser

over the Drum Track

2. The position at which it will appear

is indicated by the red Insert

3. Drop the Groove to add it as a Part

at the Insert marker position

You cannot layer multiple Parts on top of each other – only one Part can be playing on the Drum Track at once. If you require more complex
sequencing, you must use MIDI tracks in your host to send events to BFD Eco. You can drag & drop Grooves to host MIDI tracks – see section