Expert Sleepers Crossfade Loop Synth v3.2.0 User Manual

Page 35

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2.0.0 12/12/2004

all-new GUI

new 'reverse' and 'alternate' loop modes

amplitude and filter envelopes now ADSR with adjustable shape

added saturation section

increased range of filter cutoff

volume control now has a different response curve

NB 2.0.0 is not compatible with 1.x presets

1.3 20/3/2004

added MIDI CC control of most parameters

resolved some possible (rare) crash & glitch issues

added handling of MIDI 'All Notes Off' and 'All Sound Off' messages

added support for 24 bit audio files

added confirm dialogue when attempting to load a very large sample

added support for MIDI pitch bend messages

if two presets use the same sample, changing between them no longer reloads the
sample or cuts off any sounding notes (though note that any glitching caused by
sudden parameter changes will still occur)

fixed possible audio cut-out when loop endpoints moved while notes sounding

1.2 12/2/2004

added 'one shot' playback mode

fixed possible crash when changing sample while notes are playing

added volume control

better audio file support, including support for wav and sd2 files

1.1 2/10/2003

fixed component registry bug

fixed crash when loop end set before loop start

added fine tune control

added filter sweep control

1.0 4/2/2003

added Aqua GUI

0.2b 29/12/2002

sample filename & path now stored with preset

added proper handling of user pressing 'cancel' in file choosing dialogue

improved voice allocation algorithm when repeatedly playing the same note

added state-variable filter with its own envelope

added a readme