Setparameter( param, value ), Getparameterminmax( param ), Getparameterunit( param ) – Expert Sleepers Crossfade Loop Synth v3.2.0 User Manual
Page 28: Getparametername( param ), Isparameterused( param ), Getnumparameters(), Setothersparameter( id, param, value )

pitch = getParameter( “Pitch” )
pitch = getParameter( paramID_Pitch )
setParameter( param, value )
Sets the value of the plug-in parameter. See the description of getParameter() for the mean-
ing of ‘param’. E.g.
setParameter( “Pitch”, 12.0 )
setParameter( paramID_Pitch, 12.0 )
getParameterMinMax( param )
Returns the minimum and maximum values allowable for a plug-in parameter. See the de-
scription of getParameter() for the meaning of ‘param’. E.g.
local minv, maxv = getParameterMinMax( paramID_Pitch )
getParameterUnit( param )
Returns an integer value that indicates the unit of the parameter (e.g. Hz, db, seconds).
The unit is one of the values defined by Apple’s Audio Unit specification.
getParameterName( param )
Returns the name of the parameter. (This is the same name that appears at the top right of
the GUI when the mouse is over a parameter’s control.)
isParameterUsed( param )
Returns a boolean value indicating whether the given parameter number is used by the
plug-in. You should not attempt to set or get the value of an unused parameter.
Returns the total number of parameters that the plug-in defines. More strictly speaking -
returns one more than the largest parameter ID that the plug-in uses, since there may be
unused parameter IDs.
setOthersParameter( id, param, value )
As setParameter(), but sets the parameter on another instance of the plug-in, not necessar-
ily the one running the script. This allows you to control several instances of the plug-in
from a single script.
The ‘id’ is matched against the OSC Port Offset of the plug-ins. Any plug-in that matches
the id will have its parameter set.
Note that all the plug-ins must be loaded by the same host application. For controlling in-
stances of the plug-in loaded by other hosts, or running on other computers, use the
‘sendOSC’ command (below).