Lfos, Pitch lfo – Expert Sleepers Crossfade Loop Synth v3.2.0 User Manual
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The ‘Sync’ control turns the effect on. It sets the length of the sample that is used for syn-
thesis, in terms of a number of cycles at the reference frequency. Setting this to 1 will pro-
duce a most recognisable single tone - higher settings will produce more complex and pos-
sibly atonal waveforms.
When Hard Sync is turned on, a small section of the sample at the loop start point is all
that will be used. However, at the start of a note the sample will still play from the start
offset until it reaches the loop start. Therefore, if you just want the tone of the sync’d
sound, set the start offset after the loop point so playback begins immediately at the loop.
Or, use this creatively, to play an interesting section of the sample before hitting the loop -
resulting in something similar to the old ‘S+S’ keyboards of the 80s.
Note that the crossfade control still has an effect. High crossfade values will tend to ‘sof-
ten’ the sound you get from Hard Sync.
The ‘Detune’ control lets you modulate the pitch of the sample playback, while keeping
the sync’d pitch constant. This gives the characteristic ‘tearing’ sound.
The detune amount has its own LFO - see below.
There are four LFOs which are independ-
ent and are each assigned a fixed function.
They all have the same controls:
‘Shape’ - selects one of four LFO
waveforms: sine, triangle, saw and square.
‘Speed’ controls the frequency of the LFO.
‘Amount’ sets the amount by which the LFO modulates its affected value.
‘Invert’ flips the LFO waveform - e.g. the saw waveform switches from a rising ramp
to a falling ramp.
‘Delay’ sets the period over which the delay’s effect fades up after a note is pressed.
This can give e.g. a nice vibrato effect that fades up during a note, as a violin is nor-
mally played.
‘Retrigger’ - if on, the LFO waveform resets when a note is pressed. If off, the LFO
waveform runs continuously. NB retriggering is also affected by the LFO’s ‘Mono’
‘Mono’ - if on, all notes playing use the same LFO. If off, each note has its own LFO.
Pitch LFO
Modulates the note pitch by up to 100 cents (one semitone).