Loop calibration, Reference tone, Below – Expert Sleepers Crossfade Loop Synth v3.2.0 User Manual
Page 12

start when the note is first triggered.
'Loop Start' (green) sets the beginning of the looped section.
'Loop End' (red) sets the beginning of the looped section.
NB when the Loop Mode is Reverse, Loop End is effectively the loop start and Loop Start
is effectively the loop end. Also in this case the Start Offset should be set after Loop Start.
'Crossfade' (blue) sets the amount of crossfade or overlap applied at the beginning and
end of the loop. Higher values will tend to smooth the loop transitions.
Loop calibration
Various information is displayed to the right of the sample waveform
window to help in setting up loop points.
The first line gives the song’s current tempo and time signature, as set
by the host application.
The second line shows the current loop time, in seconds. NB this is not necessarily the time
between the start and end markers - when crossfading is taken into account, the actual
time after which the sample repeats is different.
The third line also shows the loop time, but in musical notation (bars, beats and 480ths of a
To display the loop time, we have to assume a certain pitch for
sample playback. This pitch is set with the ‘Calibration Note’
control in the ‘Misc’ group.
Reference Tone
The ‘RefTone’ knob fades up a pure tone at the reference pitch for the
note being played. This can be useful when tuning the sample, but can
also be used creatively to introduce another element into the synth’s
The sample needs to be tuned against this reference tone for the pulse width control to
work properly (see below).